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5 Questions for an Interactive Media Arts Major in Shanghai
A speaker of English, Mandarin Chinese, Chinese Sign Language, French, Spanish, Thai, and a learner of Korean, Sophia is a recent graduate of NYU Shanghai and looks forward to continuing language learning for the rest of her life.

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Recognizing the Teachers Who Have Changed Our Lives
During Teacher Appreciation Week—and everyday!—we celebrate and honor the outstanding language educators who have inspired and motivated us. Please join us in sharing about your favorite language educator.
- Social Media Activities

Stephanie: Police Officer Leading with English and Farsi
As a Second Lieutenant with the Fairfax County Police Department, Stephanie relies on language and cultural skills to supervise the Language Skills Support Unit and the Office of Data Analytics & Strategic Initiatives. The Department currently offers language proficiency stipends to speakers of 24 world languages.
- Professional Profiles

Celebrating the 2024 Regional Language Teachers of the Year
Announced this spring at the five regional conferences across the country, Amanda Beck, Carlos Salinas, Kei Tsukamaki, Bertha Delgadillo, and Sara Lee have been named Regional Teachers of the Year for CSC, NECTFL, PNCFL, SCOLT, and SWCOLT.
- Press Releases

Language Learning Tips from a Student of Korean
Stony Brook University psychology major and LCF Student Ambassador Evangeline shares her best language learning strategies for fellow students.
- Student Voices

5 Questions for a Cantonese-Speaking Medical Interpreter
LaGuardia Community College/CUNY student and future nurse Elsie shares about her current professional role, provides advice for fellow language learners, and reflects on her recent court interpreting internship.
- Student Voices,
- Testimonial Interviews

Language Connects Foundation Announces Inaugural Board of Directors
LCF recently announced our first Board of Directors—a group representing decades of experience in education, language policy, business, and beyond, who will serve as champions of the transformative power of language learning and of the educators who make it possible.
- Press Releases

Tyler: Sales Director Leading with Spanish
As a Sales Director at Hult EF Corporate Education, Tyler uses his Spanish skills to connect with clients to implement language training programs at some of the world’s largest companies. Learn why being bilingual is his proudest achievement.
- Professional Profiles

Sonia: 4th Grade Spanish Immersion Teacher
Sonia teaches Spanish, as well as science and social studies in Spanish, at the International School of Louisiana in New Orleans. The first in our series of Educator Profiles, learn what inspired her to join the profession and the words of affirmation she encourages her students to say each day.
- Educator Profiles

Lopa: Surgeon Leading with Gujarati & Spanish
Lopa uses English, Gujarati, and Spanish to communicate with patients as a pelvic reconstructive surgeon at the University of Illinois Hospitals. Hear more about how language and cultural skills help medical professionals build rapport and trust.
- Professional Profiles