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"Faire trembler les étoiles." (Rattle the stars.)

Lexie in front of the Eiffel Tower
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Lexie majored in French Education at SUNY Geneseo. Having studied abroad in Montpellier, France, she plans to teach French and also speaks Italian.

Some Fun Facts About Lexie

  • Theme Song: Yeah! (Usher)
  • Happy Place: Myrtle Beach
  • Favorite Word in Another Language: Grenouille: It just means "frog" but is really fun to say with a good accent!

What's next following graduation?

Teaching French and working on my Masters for English as a New Language!

From a school trip to Montreal!

What are you most excited about when you think of your future classroom?

I am most excited to decorate my classroom with all of the things I have collected from my travels! There are so many items that I can use for a more hands-on experience, plus they each have a fun little story. The current class favorite is a 3-foot-tall sock money with a beret and scarf!

What advice or message would you like to share with fellow future language educators?

My advice, as simple as it may be, is to always take risks. Yes, with the language, but also just in life in general! Especially when traveling. You will meet the coolest people and form some of the deepest lifelong friendships, or create the best memories, just from taking a leap of faith.

Try talking to someone at a store or on the street, take the path you may not normally walk along, try a new food that you have always wondered about. Taking these steps will ensure you a life full of stories in the least, and at the most it will give you the experience you need to bring some more personality into your classroom!

What makes an amazing language educator?

I think language teachers are all really special people who have such an obvious passion for their work that really shines through in the classroom. We are all a little loud and in your face, but I have found that this will always keep students engaged and eager to learn. Learning a language can be extremely awkward and embarrassing, so by creating a fun open space where you encourage students to take those language risks, you gain their trust—which is one of the core bases of your classroom environment!

You’re invited!

  • Explore the Teacher Scholarship Program and refer aspiring teachers in your network.
  • Hear reflections from Lexie and fellow graduates in a short video!
  • Share your #LanguageDream on social media @LangConnectsFdn.