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Julia P. majored in Secondary Education (German and English) with a Linguistics minor at the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania.

She will be student teaching in Central Pennsylvania this fall!

Some Fun Facts About Julia P.

  • Theme Song: I'm in a Hurry (Alabama)
  • Happy Place: Any National Park
  • Favorite Word in Another Language: Fliedermaus – (literally "flying mouse"), a bat!
  • Study Abroad: Jena, Germany

What are you most excited about when you think of your future classroom?

In my future classroom, I am most excited to connect with my students. Over the course of a year or more I will get to know these young people so well, and I will try my best to be a support and a positive force in their lives.

What advice or message would you like to share with fellow future language educators?

Be loud: Ask for help loudly, assert your ideas and opinions, and make your presence known.

In Hamburg while studying abroad

What has been the impact of the LCF Teacher Scholarship Program on your experience becoming a language teacher?

The LCF Teacher Scholarship made the difference between me being able to study abroad or not. Without these extra funds, I would have likely forgone this invaluable experience, which I will never forget or undercut.

The leap I made with my language skills while abroad in Germany, in addition to the friends I made from around the world and cultural connections I experienced, made studying abroad the best part of my college experience and I owe it to LCF for their generous contribution to my schooling.

You’re invited!

  • Explore the Teacher Scholarship Program and refer aspiring teachers in your network.
  • Hear reflections from Julia P. and fellow graduates in a short video!
  • Share your #LanguageDream on social media @LangConnectsFdn.