Featured News
2025 National Language Teacher of the Year Named
Japanese teacher Kei Tsukamaki of Washington state has been named the 2025 National Language Teacher of the Year! The award presentation was held during the 2024 ACTFL Convention & World Languages Expo on Friday, November 22, in Philadelphia, PA. Learn more about Kei here.
Congratulations Future Educators!
Hailing from 15 home states and planning to teach eight languages other than English, please join us in congratulating the 20 outstanding future educators who join the LCF Teacher Scholarship Program this year!
Save the Date: The application period for this program will reopen in Spring 2025 to high school seniors who aspire to teach a language!
Explore News & Stories
5 Questions for a Minnesota Learner of Mandarin Chinese & Korean
Physics major Caitie took her Mandarin Chinese skills abroad while also learning Korean. Hear about her experience working on a research project in China as part of the Blugold Fellows Program!
- Testimonial Interviews
5 Questions for a Connecticut-Based Future Teacher from Troyes, France
Christophe is a future teacher from France studying at the University of Connecticut. Learn about the differences between university in France and in the U.S., and about what he hopes to bring to his future classroom.
- Student Voices,
- Testimonial Interviews,
- Future Educator Stories
5 Questions for a Learner of French and Hindi
High school senior Anushka is preparing to take her French skills abroad to Switzerland! Find out more about what she is looking forward to during her time abroad.
- Student Voices,
- Testimonial Interviews
Ask Away: 5 Questions for a Future Professor Exploring Mandarin & Korean
Now earning a master's degree at the University of Pittsburgh, Kayla's language skills have led them to experience study abroad opportunities, conduct research, develop new tech skills, and even enjoy K-dramas and webtoons!
- Student Voices,
- Testimonial Interviews