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Announcing Lead with Languages Advocacy Month 2022

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Each year, throughout the month of February, ACTFL and the Lead with Languages campaign join you in recognizing the efforts of students, parents, educators, and others who are advocating for language education across the United States. We know that strong and sustained language programs contribute significantly to the success of our communities, developing students into globally competent citizens and providing businesses and our government with the talent they need to thrive in an interconnected, 21st-century world.

Did You Know?

Research shows that language learning boosts academic achievement, provides cognitive benefits, and promotes positive attitudes and beliefs about other languages and cultures, for individuals at all levels of instruction. Furthermore, language learners are identified as advanced collaborators, analyzers, planners, thinkers, and communicators on the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Employability Skills Framework.

This year, we're celebrating and creating awareness about the many benefits of language learning—including this diverse set of core skills that accompanies acquiring the language itself. From enhanced communication skills and empathy to decision-making and problem solving abilities (and so much more!), language learners have a distinct competitive advantage over their monolingual peers.

Not only are they super students, friends, family members, community leaders, educators, and professionals across all sectors of our economy... but language learners are also harnessing a wealth of cognitive and social superpowers in addition to their linguistic abilities.

What's Your #LanguageSuperpower?

During Lead with Languages Advocacy Month 2022, help to generate awareness about the core skills that accompany language learning. When we empower learners to claim their own language superpowers, we also show support for the educators, programs, and policies that are key in developing these important skills.

Ready, Set... Advocate:

  1. Take our fun quiz to determine what your predominant #LanguageSuperpower is.
  2. Share your results by posting them to social media using the hashtag #LanguageSuperpower to spread the word!
  3. Download the eight printable classroom mini posters dedicated to specific skills.

Take the Quiz to Get Started Now!